Sunday, December 1, 2013

One Month

Hailey's first month was overwhelming, exciting, scary, and joyful.  Mike and I were typical new parents...totally clueless.  During that first month, we learned so much about each other and about our beautiful little miss.  We have a calendar that helps us track all of Hailey's major milestones (first smile, first doctor visit, etc.).  I love this because it helps me reflect on all of the wonderful firsts that we all experienced together.  Here are my top 10 moments from Hailey's first month.

 10. Coming home!

 As much as Mike and I loved our hospital, we were excited to get home.  All Mike and I could think about was introducing Hailey to her big fur brothers, Duke and Tucker.  The doctors and nurses were amazing and helped us out so much.  We were nervous to see how we would do at home without them.

9. Introducing our fur-babies to our baby

Throughout the pregnancy, Mike and I had wondered what it would be like with the boys once Hailey arrived. went pretty much the way we thought it would.  As you can see, Duke was VERY interested in the toy baby we had brought home. He stared at her for awhile and then we took her out of her car seat...he sniffed it like crazy!  It was funny to watch.  Tucker was more excited to see us.  However, he became very anxious once he realized what we had brought home.  It was frustrating for this new momma, but eventually he would calm down.

8.  Meeting Dr. Sickler

Hi, my name is Mary and I am a procrastinator.  Mike and I took forever to decide on a pediatrician for Hailey.  It wasn't until the week we delivered that we finally decided to go with Dr. Sickler at Willow Bend Pediatrics.  She had come highly recommended by two families we are very close to.  We didn't get to meet her before having Hailey, or in the hospital, so we were very unsure about our decision.  Once we met her we knew we had picked the best of the best.  We wouldn't truly know how wonderful she is for a couple more months.

7.  Milk Drunk

As we all know, newborns do three things: eat, sleep, and poop.  Well, Hailey was a master at all of these!  I loved to watch her fall asleep after she was done eating.  She was a great eater!  She surpassed her birth weight in less than two weeks after dropping from 6 lbs 3 oz to 5lbs 12 oz in the hospital.  She always had the funniest faces while she slept.  I loved learning all of the new "milk drunk" looks she had every day. 

6. Watching my husband become a daddy

Mike took on the daddy role like a pro.  We celebrated his first Father's Day in the hospital.  It was such a fantastic day.  We were both well rested (him more than me), our family and friends were constantly dropping by to meet Little Miss, and he finally got to feel the connection I had been feeling for months to our daughter.  This connection grew so much that first month.  She is definitely her daddy's little girl.

5.  Breast-feeding
I never believed how much of a connection I would get from breast-feeding.  I'm so happy that it worked out for the both of us.  Every 2 1/2-3 hours was my time with my daughter.  If we had company, I could steal her away and have her all to myself.  I didn't wake Mike up for middle of the night feedings unless I needed help.  I remember it being so peaceful during that time.  I would wake her up by unwrapping her swaddle, get settled on the bed, and just watch her as she ate.  Those moments are some of the most beautiful moments we had together.

4. Smiles...
3. The Fourth of July
This was Hailey's first holiday.  It was a great day.  I made her a patriotic onsie to wear and we went to Jeff and Lauren's for a pool party. Hailey slept through the excitement, but it was fun to celebrate our first holiday as a family of 3.

2. Bath time
Needless to say, bath time started out rough...
Luckily, it turned out to be one of Hailey's favorite things.  We definitely had a water baby :)

1. Meeting her bear wubba nub.
Mike and I had been told to wait on the paci and bottle so that nipple confusion didn't happen.  One night I broke down and gave her the paci a couple of days early.  Hailey didn't have any problems taking the paci.  She liked having the wubba to help her fall asleep and she would spit it out once she was out.  I am so happy I made the decision to give her a paci.  That little bear became more special to her and to me than I could ever imagine.
Hailey's first month was a whirlwind.  She made lots of new friends and became such a joy in so many of their lives.  Most importantly, she made Mike and I a mommy and daddy. 
Thank you for sticking through this extremely long post.  I hope you enjoyed getting to know my favorite moments of Hailey's first month :)


1 comment:

  1. Love this! I remember all our texts! What are you doing? I'll try what Mary's doing was my saying��
