Sunday, December 8, 2013

2 months!

Hailey's second month was busy, busy, busy.  Hailey experienced her first road trip, had her first bottle, started sleeping through the night,  and met a lot of new friends.

Here are my top 10 Hailey moments from month #2:

10. Her first bottle.
This was a moment that I will never forget.  Since H would be starting daycare in about a month, we figured she needed to get used to drinking from a bottle.  At first I was so excited because it is such a "big girl" thing for Hailey, but once I saw her doing well with it I lost it.  I cried and cried.  She didn't need me anymore.  So silly to think, but that's all I kept saying.  So many mixed emotions.  I was proud of her for doing such a good job, happy that she could take the bottle, and sad because she was getting bigger.

9. Bath time
Bath time was getting to be more and more fun!  I liked to give her baths in the sink, but daddy loved giving her baths in the tub.  She was starting to show so many expressions during bath time and it cracked us up.  This was one of the first routines that H started to rely on.  It is crazy to see how much of a schedule they put themselves on after they get out of the first month sleepiness.

8. Nap time
This month we spent a lot of time napping together.  I was still off of work and it was way to hot to be out and about.  I knew the days of napping together were coming to an end, so I had a hard time putting her down once she fell asleep. Those were some of the best naps I've ever had.
7. Road Trip!
Hailey took her first road trip to Austin the weekend of July 31st.  We went to visit her second parents and Skyler and Tristan.  Hailey did so great on the trip down there.  She slept the whole way down and stayed asleep most of the night.  I was very impressed with my little girl.  The Doerings had not seen Hailey in person since she was born, so it was fun to see how much she had changed to them.  Needless to say, she was held and fought over all weekend.  The trip back went pretty great.  We left during the day and Hailey napped most of the way.  I woke her up in Waco to feed her and she went right back to sleep.  She was the perfect little road trip buddy.
6. Sleepy girl!
Hailey was a good sleeper from the beginning.  She wasn't to difficult to put down and she slept really well.  Before our Austin trip, H could do 4-5 hour stretches at night.  While we were there, Little Miss decided to sleep 7 1/2 hours! I thought this was just a fluke because she had spent the day wide awake at the outlet mall.  Seriously, no nap that was longer than 20-30 minutes.  From that weekend on Hailey slept through the night.  She would go down between 10:30 and 11:30pm and sleep until 9 am!  It was heaven.

5. Naked baby!
We found out in Hailey's second month that she loved to be naked! This silly girl loved sitting on the changing table just hanging out in her birthday suit. We would get some great smiles during these times. 
4. Gassy baby
Hailey loved to toot.  She would let the gas go all the time.  Sometimes she would get some pretty bad gas bubbles that would make her very cranky.  We were starting to worry because as funny as the tooting was, we didn't like it when it made her upset.  Hailey also started having reflux around this time.  She would spit up a lot.  It worried us.  Dr. Sickler calmed a lot of our worries with instructions on keeping her upright after eating and supplementing with formula if we needed.  It all started to work itself out as she grew that month, but the gas still stuck around.  Pappy was the best at getting the gas bubbles out.  Mike and I could rarely get the gas bubbles gone as quickly as Pap could.
3. Chunky monkey and baby acne
Hailey really started to fill out this month.  She went from 6 lbs 3 oz at birth to 10 lbs 5 oz at her 2 month check up.  Her Aunt Des used to thank me for giving her a baby with rolls :)  I didn't realize just how much she had chunked up until I saw this picture:

Seriously! Check out those cheeks...and that double chin!  Hahaha.  I crack up every time I see this picture.  This month also brought baby acne.  Hailey had it all over her face.  If you look really closely, you can see it in the picture above.  I thought it was an allergic reaction to the soap we were using, but it turns out that a lot of babies get this because of a balancing out of hormones.  It went away the weekend we went to Austin.  Katie and Marc had this amazing baby soap that cleared it right up!
2.   Date Nights
Month 2 was filled with lots of dinner dates with our Little Miss.  We had Pappy's birthday at Capital Grille, dinner dates with daddy and mommy, lunch dates with Aunt Helly and Grandma, and girls nights. 
Hailey loved going on dates.  Her favorites were dinner date.  She hated to be left in her car seat.  She wanted to be in someone's lap watching what was going on. 
My favorite dinner date was with the girls at Grimaldi's.  She barely napped all day (probably because she was so excited) and then when we got there she was awake the majority of the time! It was about a 3 hour dinner and she was the star of the restaurant.  She got to meet Amy that night.  She loved her mini nap in Amy's arms.  Aunt Lauren had fun showing her off to the entire restaurant! Hahaha.  I still crack up thinking about her taking Hailey from table to table introducing her to people. 
Mike and I loved taking Hailey to dinner.  She was the best little dinner guest.  Dinner dates with Hailey became a favorite weekend activity for us.

1. Play time
Hailey began to love playing on her mat this month!  She would stare at her animals and the lights for a long time.  She was really starting to take notice of things that light up and make noise. 
The TV was quickly becoming on of her favorite things to stare at.  It was so funny to watch her "watch" TV.  She would stare at the screen for a long time with no emotion on her face.  It cracked me up.

My favorite part about play time was the noises she was starting to make.  She would grunt, squeak, and "talk" to us and her friends.  During tummy time she could follow our voices and turn her head to look at us.  Playtime with Hailey was definitely the highlight of month 2 :)

 Hailey found her hands this month too!  She couldn't control them yet, but she would try so hard!  It was so funny to watch her try to grab these things that moved around and hit her in the face. 

Hailey's second month went by faster than I would have liked.  We were getting closer to the end of the summer and the beginning of day care and work.  It really is true what they say...time goes by so fast. 


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