Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hailey's 3rd Month

Hailey's third month was so much fun.  She was beginning to become mobile and very expressive.  For me, this month was just one step closer to month 4 and trying baby food!  There were some hard times this month...I started back at work and that meant putting Hailey in daycare. We were lucky enough to have an in home day care, but it still meant our time together was about to be cut short.

Here are my favorite things about month 3 with Little Miss...

I made the mistake of taking her 3 month pictures right before nap.  There was nothing that could make her smile...

10. Are you ready for some football?!
Mike and I are HUGE Texas Tech Football fans.  Hailey is one by default.  Eventually we would let her make her own decisions about what college team she wants to go for, but until then we will do everything in our power to push Tech on her :)  I love how cute she looks in her football gear...weekends are football weekends in the Cardell house!

9. Facial Expressions
Little Miss became very expressive this month.  Her smiles were easier to get :) Mike and I probably looked like crazy people trying to get her to smile.  My heart lights up when she smiles.

 Not only was Hailey showing us her feelings, she was also starting to tell us how she felt.  Hailey is an eater!  Because of her reflux, I had to stop nursing her after a few minutes on each side so that she could burp.  My goodness was my girl mad about this!  She would scream and push off of my shoulder while I tried to burp her.  The moment she got back to business she was fine.  It was hilarious!  I would laugh and laugh while she screamed.  I sound so horrible saying that, but I knew she wasn't hurt...she was just ticked off that she wasn't getting what she wanted.  My feisty little miss...

8. Snuggles
Sleepy baby.  That is one way to describe Hailey.  Ever since our trip to Austin Hailey slept through the night.  She loved sleeping and she didn't care where she slept...just like her mommy :)  As the summer ended, I really started letting her nap wherever.  I didn't care if I was spoiling her...she could sleep on my chest, lap, swing...anywhere that was close to me.  I missed her when she was in her crib.  As selfish as it was for me, I cherish those naps like you couldn't believe.

7. Mover and a Shaker
Hailey has always been a mover.  I remember when I was pregnant...she would kick and punch me all day long.  The only time I didn't feel her moving around was when I was sleeping....thank goodness!  During this month she really started to pick up the kicking and grabbing at her animals on the play mat.  Even though it was probably a fluke...she rolled over!  On August 28th she rolled from belly to back for the first time.  Tummy time was definitely a favorite thing this month.

6. Pool day!
Mike's dad has the most amazing pool.  The two of us have spent so many summers by that pool with is brothers and friends.  We couldn't wait to have Hailey join in on the fun.  Dr. Sickler had told us to wait until Hailey was 8 weeks old to get in the pool.  We decided that Labor Day weekend would be the best weekend.  It wasn't too hot and our good friends, Jeff and Lauren, were able to join us.  It was so fun!  Hailey loved the water.  She didn't show a lot of expression, but she was so calm.  It was funny to see her in a huge sun hat with a diaper that looked like it was going to explode.  It was definitely worth the wait.

5. School Days
August meant one thing...back to school.  This is a very bittersweet topic to write about.  I am blessed to have the job that I have and to be surrounded by all of the wonderful people at my school.  I have always been someone who loved to work.  I was very excited for the new school year, but sad (and scared) to leave Hailey.  I knew she was in good hands, but there was always a question in the back of my mind about whether or not I was making the right choice.  Some days...I wish I would have listened to it...

4. Bedtime Routine
The routines really started to set in this month.  A lot of it had to do with me returning to work.  I needed the structure and so did she.  She was having to wake up earlier so we could get to Mrs. Debbie's in time for me to get to work.  There was a lot going on! It was stressful and wonderful all at the same time.  My favorite routine was her bedtime stories.  Mommies-the BEST books are by Sandra Boynton!  I absolutely love them.  My favorite is "Good Night Pookie".  Hailey's favorite is "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie".  I love how interested she looks in some of these pictures.

3. Doggie Love
Finally!!  The dogs learned to love Hailey this month.  She also became very aware of them.  Tucker started to relax and Duke would get close to her.  I think Duke took to Hailey the most this month.  In the mornings, I would hear him go in her room and lay down on the dog bed we had in there.  He would follow me in her room when we would read stories before bed.  He even started to lay with her on the floor.  A wonderful friendship between a girl and her dogs started to form this month. 

2.  Bumbo!
It was time to practice sitting up.  Hailey finally had enough neck strength to give the Bumbo a try.  This picture says it all...

1. Monkey Hair
Hailey really started to loose her hair this month.  Poor thing was balding.  On the back of her head she had a little circular bald spot.  I smile every time I see it in pictures.  The dark head of hair she had was being replaced by what Mike and I call "Monkey Hair".  After naps she would wake up with crazy bed head that it reminded me of a baby orangutan!  She quickly took on the nickname "Monkey".

Month 3 was so much fun with our Little Miss!  My little baby girl grew so much physically and emotionally.  Mike and I had so much fun getting to know Hailey.  Her personality was starting to shine and we just knew the best was yet to come.



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