Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hailey Rae

June 15, 2013.  The day that, hands-down, is the best day of my life. 

 I call life up to this day, B.H., Before Hailey.  The life I had was wonderful.  It consisted of living in my cozy, little home with my wonderful husband and our two fur babies.  It was bliss.  I woke up everyday and went to the best job in the world.  I came home to snuggle on the couch and watch tv with my favorite person in the world.  Life couldn't get any better...so I thought.

We found out we were pregnant the day after Halloween.  I had spent the past couple of weeks positive that I had caught a stomach bug from one of my crazies kiddos.  Anyone who has ever worked with kids knows that Fall begins cold and flu season.  Hubs and I weren't planning on starting a family yet.  We had a plan...we would start trying after our 5 year wedding anniversary in 2013.  Well, as we should have expected, God had a different plan.

Flash forward 9 months and we arrive at Hailey Day!  We had planned on going in the 15th.  Let me just tell you, I have the best doctor who wanted to keep this momma happy, so he agreed to induce me that day.  We picked this day because it is smack in the middle of hub's and my birthday.  His the 18th and mine the 12th.  It was perfect.  Every year we would have a HUGE party for the three of us. 

The day was perfect.  It's nothing like you see in the movies.  I was calm, slept a lot, played some Candy Crush, and had all of my favorite people surrounding me.   We arrived that morning at 7:30am and our precious baby was born 12 hours later at 7:43pm.  Our family was complete and our fairytale started a new chapter.

Check out that cone head!!
Our little family of three.
After two, blissful days in the hospital we came home to our newest normal.  It was three days that will forever be filled with the happiest of memories for me and my family.

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