Monday, November 4, 2013

A New Normal

That is what everyone calls it.  Honestly, it's the best way to describe it.  What is this "it" that I'm talking about?  My life.  My journey. His plan for me.

You go through life always hearing about horrible things happening to others.  You pray that He protects you and the ones you love.  All of a sudden...WHAM! He hits you with it.  For me, this "wham moment" was at 4:09pm on September 26th.  It is a time that will forever stand still in my life.  At that moment, He laid the ground work for my new normal.

This blog is going to act as my journal, a release of all my emotions.  At times, it may be difficult to read, but I hope that in some way this space becomes a get away for myself and others who are struggling on their own journey. 

I promise to not be all doom and gloom.  My life isn't all that.  I am lifted up every day by my awesome hubby, my supportive family, and a group of friends who can make me laugh until I pee (this may or may not have happened...).  I love my job and have some pretty hilarious stories to share.  I am a blog stalker and I have always wanted to participate in one of those chain post thingys.  I have an love addiction for Pinterest and will share all of my successes and failures on all of my Pinterest attempts. 

So grab a comfy blanket, your favorite beverage, a yummy snack, and possibly a tissue or two.    Maybe something will stick with you.  Maybe something will make you smile.  That's one thing I've learned from stalking following the 243,785,459 blogs I follow...something, somewhere can make a difference.  Even if it is just a "must-have" scarf or yummy looking cookie that adds 5 lbs just by looking at it. 

Come along with me on my journey.  I look forward to sharing it with you.


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