Friday, June 20, 2014

My Strength


There is so much that I want to say to you.  So much I want you to know.  If it were possible, I wish that you could spend a moment looking at yourself through my eyes.  I hope this will give you a little idea of what you mean to me and how I couldn't have made it through this experience without you by my side.

11 years.  We are coming up on 11 years of being a couple.  Who would have thought that and 18 year old and a 19 year old would have made it through everything we have.  I am so proud of us.

You have made so many sacrifices for our family.  Every decision you have made for your life, you have made with our family in mind.  

Thank you for supporting me.  I got stuck for awhile after we graduated.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life.  You encouraged me and helped guide me during this time.  When I needed your patience, you gave it to me.  I'm sure I was frustrating.  I know financially, it would have been a lot easier for us if I could have figured it all out sooner, but you stuck with me.  Thank you for that.

Thank you for working so hard.  You have struggled with your job decisions too.  You worked hard and it is paying off.   Even though I give you crap for "working from home", I hope you know that I understand how hard you work and the things you do to support our family.

Thank you for making me laugh.  Whether it's threatening me with a round of tickle bull, or when you laugh out loud at a tv show.  I don't laugh with anyone else like I do with you.

Thank you for being the best daddy.  Hailey looked at you with so much love.  She still does.  Our children are blessed to have you as their daddy.

Thank you for holding me up.  I definitely have had my moments these past couple of months.  You're honest with me.  You hold me for as long as I need you too.  You cry with me.  You talk with me.  You make me stronger.  You give me a reason to continue on.  

I want you to know that I will do my best to be strong for you.  I know that I tend to need you more, but I hope you know that whenever you need me I am here.  I hope I have done a good job holding you up.  I promise to continue to work at it and to remember that we are in this together.  Without you, I don't know what I would do.  Thank you for sticking with me through the lowest of lows and the highest of highs.

Michael William Thomas, you have my whole heart for my whole life.  I can't imagine going through this crazy journey without you.  I love you so much.



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