Monday, August 18, 2014

tuesday things

To force myself to take care of this little blog (and myself), I thought it would be fun to make some themed days.  First up....Tuesday Things-just a few ramblings about life in general right now.  Things I'm enjoying, memories I'm loving, wishes for the future, and so on. 

1.  I have been working on a grief project for the past few weeks.  If you follow me on Instagram (@mcardell), you have probably seen some of my progress.  Well...drum roll, please...IT"S DONE! Well. Almost.  I never knew all of the steps that went into making a legit quilt.  In my mind, I was just thinking of making a blanket out of Hailey's clothes and blankets. Think t-shirt blanket.  Boy, was I wrong.  I am making a true-blue quilt.  It starts like a t-shirt blanket would, but when you have the top and the bottom complete, you send it off to be quilted.  Tomorrow I'm taking the top and bottom to be quilted.  I can't wait to have it back so I can snuggle with my girl again.  It will seriously be the best thing ever.

The back.  
The front.

 2.  I have been making a TON of this lemon-blueberry bread lately.  I mean.  Seriously.  So. Good.

3.  I was at the grocery store the other day and stumbled upon the new cappuccino flavored potato chips.  I just can't.  I understand a person's love for coffee.  I enjoy a Starbuck's on the regular, but seriously people, chips are not meant to taste like coffee.  I just can't.

4.  Sister is still cookin.  We are officially at 37 weeks today!  Woo-hoo!!  UPDATE: I'm headed to the doctor today to check my fluid.  There may or may not have been an "unfortunate incident" at the mall yesterday that makes my doctor want to check me out.  Basically...did I, or didn't I pee my pants?  Yes.  I am THAT pregnant girl that can't tell the difference.  Thank goodness for a doctor with a sense of humor.

5.  Mike and I went to visit Hailey yesterday.  She still had her 4th of July flowers up (#parentsoftheyear), so we decided to take her some new ones.  We got her some really pretty silk red ones.  I'm making a few "back-to-school" things to stick in the flowers.  I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up an apple and a school bus.  I think it will be really cute once it's all put together.  It's getting harder to go visit my girl.  It could be the crazy hormones.  It could be that in a little over a month her one year Angel Birthday will be here.  It could be that it is so hot outside that the thought of sitting out there makes me cry.  Who knows...I don't go up there by myself anymore.  Someone has to be with me.  It wasn't always that way.  I could go up there and sit forever and just be with her.  Now the thought of her being there is just crazy to me.  I can't wrap my brain around the fact that my baby's body, that I held in my arms for 3 months and 11 days, is there and not with me.  Why this is a problem for me now, I don't understand.  Some days I can't wait for September 26th to just come and go.

6.  A girl I went to high school with made us this sweet onsie for Grace.  I am so excited to put her in it.  Of course she will be wearing a matching bow.

7.  Is it too early to start decorating for fall?  I'm ready for pumpkins and yummy smelling candles to fill my home.

8.  Fall TV is making this girl too.  I mean, who wouldn't be excited about Scandal and Kliff gracing my TV each week?

9.  Teachers went back to school this week.  I may have crashed Boyd's staff development day.  I just can't stay away. 

I even made off with a 2014-2015 staff shirt.  Lucky girl.

It's sooooo weird to not be organizing a classroom, obsessing over plans, buying school supplies, and catching up with some of my favorite people.  I know that I am not out of the classroom for good.  I know that when May rolls around I will be applying for positions like a mad-woman.  I know that my Boyd Family will always be my family.  It's just so dang hard to sit around the house when my heart is somewhere else and my mind is filled with memories from this time last year.  When my girl was here.  When we were starting school together.  

First day of School 2013-2014
A distraction is greatly needed for this pregnant lady.  So until Gracie makes her can find me at Boyd.  I am proud to be that crazy ex-teacher :)


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