Friday, June 20, 2014

My Strength


There is so much that I want to say to you.  So much I want you to know.  If it were possible, I wish that you could spend a moment looking at yourself through my eyes.  I hope this will give you a little idea of what you mean to me and how I couldn't have made it through this experience without you by my side.

11 years.  We are coming up on 11 years of being a couple.  Who would have thought that and 18 year old and a 19 year old would have made it through everything we have.  I am so proud of us.

You have made so many sacrifices for our family.  Every decision you have made for your life, you have made with our family in mind.  

Thank you for supporting me.  I got stuck for awhile after we graduated.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life.  You encouraged me and helped guide me during this time.  When I needed your patience, you gave it to me.  I'm sure I was frustrating.  I know financially, it would have been a lot easier for us if I could have figured it all out sooner, but you stuck with me.  Thank you for that.

Thank you for working so hard.  You have struggled with your job decisions too.  You worked hard and it is paying off.   Even though I give you crap for "working from home", I hope you know that I understand how hard you work and the things you do to support our family.

Thank you for making me laugh.  Whether it's threatening me with a round of tickle bull, or when you laugh out loud at a tv show.  I don't laugh with anyone else like I do with you.

Thank you for being the best daddy.  Hailey looked at you with so much love.  She still does.  Our children are blessed to have you as their daddy.

Thank you for holding me up.  I definitely have had my moments these past couple of months.  You're honest with me.  You hold me for as long as I need you too.  You cry with me.  You talk with me.  You make me stronger.  You give me a reason to continue on.  

I want you to know that I will do my best to be strong for you.  I know that I tend to need you more, but I hope you know that whenever you need me I am here.  I hope I have done a good job holding you up.  I promise to continue to work at it and to remember that we are in this together.  Without you, I don't know what I would do.  Thank you for sticking with me through the lowest of lows and the highest of highs.

Michael William Thomas, you have my whole heart for my whole life.  I can't imagine going through this crazy journey without you.  I love you so much.



Thursday, June 19, 2014

Who am I without her?

Mother.  Mom.  Mommy.  Mama.

This is something I have been struggling with lately.  Do these words describe me now that she's gone?  There are two sides to this struggle...

On hard days when the pain is fresh and the tears are uncontrollable, I don't believe that I am a mom anymore.  With Hailey gone, I have no one to feed. No one to bathe, or read to, or put to bed at night.  

On good days when I feel her with me every second. I know that I am a mom.  I know that for 38 weeks I carried her in my belly.  I helped her grow.  On June 15, 2013 I spent the day waiting for her to arrive. When she did, my heart grew 100 times bigger.  For 3 months and 11 days, I woke up to her sweet face and fell asleep listening to her breathe.  I cared for her.  She is my daughter and I am her mommy.

Even though she is not here with us physically, she is mine and I am hers.  There will always be hard days.  Days when it seems impossible to get out of bed.  Days when I drive to work and cry because my brain gets stuck in our morning routine.  Days when I can't escape how it used to be.  But I need to always remind myself that she is there with me, watching me, and it is my job to make her proud.  To show her that her momma is okay.  It's my new way of caring for her.  

I am Hailey's mom.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

4:09 pm September 26, 2013

It has been awhile since I have posted on the blog.  I think I have been avoiding it because I knew what post was coming.  This isn't an easy read, it's not a happy post, you may want to have tissues close by.  This blog is my outlet, my release, my therapy.  I may not have been posting on here, but I have been writing it down.  I'm finally ready to make it permanent.  To make it public.  I hope in a way that my story helps someone who is going through something tough.  I hope my story creates an awareness in others about SIDS and loss.  I hope that my daughter lives on and Mike and I make her proud every day as she watches us from Heaven.  All I can hope.

She's just sleeping.

That's what it looked like as I laid on the hospital bed holding my baby girl.  

She's just sleeping.

That's what I told myself when I got home to a quiet house that night.

She's just sleeping.

I couldn't tell myself that anymore when I woke up the next morning and went into her room with an empty crib.

She's just sleeping...with the angels.

Our story from the beginning...

The day was like any normal day.  I was having some major allergy issues and was considering calling into work, but like always, I decided to power through it and try to make it to lunch.  I got up and got ready.  After fixing myself, I went in to Hailey's room to wake her up for the day.  She was not a happy camper...typical.  My girl was a sleeper!  She loved to sleep in and was not quite used to my early morning work days.  I fed her while listening to the Kidd Kraddick in the Morning radio show.  She was such a good eater, even when she was sleepy.  We got dressed and headed out the door for school.  Typically, Hailey would fall back asleep on the drive to daycare, but as I looked back at her in the Starbucks drive through, she was awake :)  This made mama very happy.  I stuck my hand back there and she grabbed my finger.  We rode to day care hand in hand while I rubbed her cheek.   It was perfect.

When we got to school, she was still awake.  We talked with Mrs. Debbie for a little bit and I told her I may be picking her up early since I wasn't feeling well.  I wasn't sure if I was contagious or not, so I kissed her forehead goodbye and headed off to work.  That was the only time I had ever left daycare and she was awake.

School was pretty typical.  I wasn't feeling 100%, but I couldn't get a sub to cover me half day.  I decided to tough it out.  I was working with two of my struggling boys after school when I got a call from Debbie.  It was only 4:09.  I thought to myself, "I wonder what's up...maybe she's out of milk and is screaming her head off."  When I answered it was Debbie's husband.  He said, "Mary, I don't know how to say this..." With that statement my whole world changed.  He began to explain that Hailey was down for a nap and when Debbie went in to get her up for her last feeding, she wasn't breathing.  I don't remember much from that moment, but I think I just froze.  I asked over and over what was happening and what I needed to do.  He couldn't tell me much.  Why? Because there wasn't much to tell.  The paramedics were working on her and weren't explaining much to them.  I ran out of my classroom and told my neighbor teacher I had to go and to take care of my students.  I just stayed on the phone with nothing but background noise.  I could hear babies crying.  Every time I thought it was wasn't.  

I've never driven panicked.  Surprisingly, my focus was heightened.  I was able to think through the fastest route to the hospital, what school zones to avoid, back roads to take, and I dialed in Mike on the phone.  He was walking out the door to go pick her up.  Walking out the door.  I will never forget the panic in his voice when I explained what was happening.  He still can't drive quickly through our neighborhood without getting anxiety because of that day.

Mike got off the phone when he got to the hospital.  At that point, I didn't know what to do.  I called my sister.  She's working.  She won't pick up.  I pulled up to the hospital and ran through the parking lot.  I called my mom.  She will be there quickly.  I get inside and every person I talk to knows something bad has happened. You can see it on their faces.  They put me in a waiting room.  Mike is back with Hailey.  Finally, after what felt like 10 minutes, they take me back to the room.  

There she little baby.  Lying on the hospital bed.  Tubes, IVs, and doctors all around her. 

She looks like she's sleeping. 

Around 5:00pm the doctor came over to Mike and I and explained that with how long she has been without oxygen that the life she would have, if they were able to get her heart pumping again, would be very limited.  There was no sign of brain activity or heart activity at that point.  My girl was gone. We decided to ask him to stop.  We didn't even have to talk about it...we just knew.  He didn't give up though.  He pushed one more round of epinephrine and gave it another try.  No one wants to walk away from a baby, even if they know it's over.

At this point we were able to hold her.  My parents had arrived at some point in the whole ordeal.  I remember hearing them screaming for us in the hallway.  We were there for awhile longer.  The police came in a questioned us, our Pastor came and baptized Hailey, the medical examiner explained what was going to happen, our friends were there, family too, we gave them things to do and people to call.  For the most part, all of this was done while Mike and I held her.  It didn't sink in until the medical examiner had to take her away.  I had kept it together until that point.  How? It was like she was sleeping.  I knew that she wasn't, but at the same time, I didn't.  Leaving her was the hardest thing I had ever had to do up to that day.

Mike and I drove home together.  My sister took my car and went to get us some food. Chick Fil A.  I didn't think I could eat, but I did.  Helen stayed with us for a little while and then went to my parents house.  I remember sitting on the couch with Mike.  We were watching The Big Bang Theory.  It was odd how "normal" everything felt.  Finally, we went to sleep.

Loosing someone that is your every day is the weirdest thing.  That moment when you are home after everything you have been through and it just feels "normal" doesn't seem like it should be possible.  Why am I not crying?  I should be crying!  I guess you just go numb.  I went numb.  All I wanted to do was go to sleep and wake up with my baby in her bed.

She wasn't there.
She still isn't there.