Friday, November 7, 2014

September 5, 2014

I woke up that morning after only getting 4 hours of sleep.  The night before I couldn't get tired.  At 11:45, I decided it was a good time to do my hair.  I mean, since this whole process was planned, I figured I should have good hair.  Why not?  Back to the morning.  For some reason we had to be at the hospital at 5:00 am.  A.M. people.  A.M.  Who in their right mind is up that early?  Somehow I was able to wake up.  I had fallen asleep just in time for my alarm to go off.  Sister must have known something big was going to happen because she started dancing around 3:30 am.  I finished putting myself together (make-up and such) and packed the rest of my bag.  We said good-bye to the puppies and were out the door by 4:45.  

The drive to the hospital was surreal.  Just a little over a year ago, we made that same drive.  The anticipation and excitement was bubbling inside Mike and I.  But, there was also something else lurking in the back of our mind.  Fear.  Would this time be different?  Would she look like her big sister?  If she does, how will that make us feel?  It was almost too much.  Luckily, the excitement of a new gift from God over-powered the fear of our loss.  Before going in, we snapped one last picture.

We arrived on the labor and delivery floor right at 5 (After a quick detour to the postpartum floor.  My bad.)  They showed us to our room and handed me my lovely hospital gown.  Up until this point I was only dilated 3 cm.  It had been this way for the past 2-3 weeks.  Once I got settled, the nurse checked me and surprise! I had dilated to a 5!  Woohoo!  I guess all that dancing sister had done that morning was for a reason.  

They hooked me up to all the monitors, set up my IV, and got the meds running around 6:15 am.  During this time, there was a lot of paper work filled out.  That's about it.  Boring medical insurance stuff.  

Around 7, shift change happened.  This is when it started getting interesting.  My awesome nurse (loved her) checked me around 8:00 and accidentally broke my water.  Right as my water broke, Dr. Garner came in.  Since he wasn't needed anymore (he came just to break my water and say hi), he went downstairs to the office thinking we had awhile before the show really started.  Mike's mom, sister, step-dad, and my sister showed up and were keeping us company.  Lots of pictures were taken.  Lots of laughs were had.

Somewhere between 8 and 9, I got my epidural.  The anesthesiologist that gave it to me was the same one we had for Hailey's delivery.  She is great!  Around 9:00 my nurse checked me again and to both of our surprise I was an 8, almost 9!  She called Dr. Garner and kicked everyone out of the room. 

The shock of the quick progression threw Mike and I for a loop.  We weren't ready.  Mike still needed to do some last minute work stuff.  It was a crazy moment.

Dr. Garner was in the room before we knew it and everyone took their positions.  Brenda on my left.  Mike on my right. Dr. Garner.  Well, we all know where he was.  And the baby nurse by the warmer.  After 3 contractions and 6 pushes, Grace Caroline was here. That cry was the best cry.  Mike cut her cord and stayed with sister the whole time.  

Finally the brought her too me.  She was pink and squishy and perfect.  She scored a 9 on the APGAR scale (ten is perfect).  Of all the pictures that were taken that day, this one is my favorite.  

We are now a family of four.
One big sister.
One little sister.
Two proud parents.

My cup is so full.
